Monday, October 29

Sock Questionnaire

Since Halloween is right around the corner I though I'd post a little sock questionnaire. Feel free to post it here or on your blog.

1. What's your favorite sock yarn? (please note that the word 'yarn' is singular. Just pick one. I know it's hard.)

2. What's your favorite brand and type of sock needle?

3. Do you knit your socks toe up, cuff down, or sideways?

4. Both socks at the same time or just one?

5. What's your favorite toe and why?

6. Favorite heel?

7. Do you prefer plain or patterned socks?

8. Who do you knit the most socks for?

9. Do you darn your socks? If not, what do you do with them?

10. Do you only wear handknit socks?

Bonus question: What pattern, if any, is your basic "I-just-need-a-pair-of-socks" sock pattern based on? Do you keep it on paper or memorized?

You can see mine on my blog.

Sunday, October 28

Maggies #4

Almost all Lorna's Laces sock yarns. Have first sock of pair #5 done and am down into patterned part of leg, pix by and by.

Saturday, October 27

candy corn is served!

...they're done! before halloween! If you want to see 'em, check out the blog for more details. The short row heel was kind of a pain, but I survived with only a few wonky stitches. Woohoo!

Wednesday, October 10

Halloweenie Love

I know I've been more of a lurker than a sock-a-teer but I am so excited about these I have to share right now! I usually don't go all crazy over holiday themed stuff, but when I saw a shop sample of these, I had to have them. It's like candy corn for my feet! I can't wait to wear 'em.

Honeycomb Socks from Kindred Spirits Design Studio
CTH Supersock in Sugar Maple
Fortissima Socka in Black
US 2 (2.75mm)

Tuesday, October 9

Waffle Rib Socks

Another pair finished. The pattern is a simple Waffle Rib done in Cascade Sassy Stripes in the colorway: Diana
This yarn is mostly good. I did notice a change in the striping in the second half of the second skein. The grey became about a row longer and it threw off the striping so that the socks aren't identical twins. But, close enough, I guess.
The color didn't thrill me at first, but it has grown on me. It's the colors of DH's high school and both college he went to. They'll work out well if we ever go to homecoming.