Monday, May 29

Halfway there

I finished one of Charles' socks and one of Di's slippers. The sock is just a vanilla sock, but you can find the slipper pattern here. The slipper is knit using superwash merino wool on US size 4 needles.

Here's my flip flop sock so far. It's knit on US 1 dpns using Socks That Rock yarn, color: Waterlilies. It's a short cuff; it only comes about 1/4 of the way up my calf. Since I'll be wearing it with flip flops, I decided not to make a slip stitch heel. Need I say it again? I love this yarn!
These are the next socks on the list. From Socks Socks Socks, the Entrelac socks. They look difficult, but I'm up for a challenge. I think I may do a swatch first which will be the first time I've ever swatched for a sock. I read about what a hard time Stephanie Pearl-McPhee had knitting these, but I'm going to stick to the pattern and slog my way through it. If I fail, I give you all permission to point and laugh. I think I'll use Trekking XXL since I have so much of it. We'll see.


Blogger Bonnie said...

I won't point and laugh! I think you're a brave woman. Good luck with the Entrelac!

6:21 AM  

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